The VM Language

The right language to specialize variability modeling

View the Project on GitHub mao2013/VM

2014 News

VM was created as part of the ViViD Framework ( In the ViViD-DiverSE repository you will find a copy of the VM source files ( as well as VANE, a pair-wise generator for video configuration files based on VM (

An enhanced version of VM (VM v.2.1) is placed in the repository of the FAMILIAR-Project ( That project is one of the projects of the DiverSE group of INRIA, Rennes, France (

VM special features

The most common types of additional information supported by VM are:

_Also VM supports the most advanced characteristics in extended feature models, for example:


Only prerequisite: Any updated Eclipse installation (

We tested VM using the Eclipse Kepler (4.3.2) SR2 Eclipse Modeling Tools, but you can use lighter versions such as Eclipse Standard, Eclipse IDE for Java and DSL Developers.

The VM language is composed of Eclipse plugins. You can install them using our Eclipse update site:

If you are not sure where to introduce our update site address, follow the next steps:

  1. In Eclipse, choose Help > Install New Software...
  2. In the "Work with" section, click the Add... button. The "Add Repository" dialog box appears.
  3. Write in "Location" and click the OK button. The "Available Software" wizard appears.
  4. click the Select All and then click Finish.
  5. Eclipse will take a while to resolve dependencies and ask you if you are sure to install unsigned content. Agree and accept all the questions.
  6. Restart Eclipse.

Tutorials and examples

Please visit our VM project wiki Here.

Source and grammar

Please visit our VM project to obtain version 2.0 Here

Technical support

Do you still have troubles with VM? Please send an e-mail to or